home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Fileserver.rexx by Kai Nikulainen - 11-Apr-97 v2.2
- ** Check http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html for more useful scripts!
- **
- ** CD - change current directory. CD without arguments returns to root
- ** SEND,GET - send the requested file
- ** ALLFILES,LISTALL - send a listing of all files in the directory
- ** DIR,INDEX,LIST - send a listing of a directory. Path is optional.
- ** INFO,SHOW,VIEW - display file size, filenote and archive contents
- ** QUIT - further lines in message body are ignored
- ** HELP - send the helpfile
- **
- ** If you start the script from shell by typing 'rx fileserver2.rexx index' and the
- ** variable allfiles contains a valid filename it will create an index file which
- ** can be used to speed up the ALLFILES command. Please note that if allfiles
- ** variable is defined, the index sent may be out of date.
- **
- ** If you have any problems or suggestions, mail me at knikulai@utu.fi
- **
- ** This script would not have been written without a request from
- ** Jon Jeffels <tiger@zetnet.co.uk>
- **
- */
- options results
- parse arg opt1
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
- /*
- ** Change these variables to fit your system
- */
- folder=0 /* 0=Incoming, 1=Outgoing, etc.. */
- /* Change this to 1 for testing */
- maxline=75 /* Line length for directory listings */
- dirle=8 /* How many letters should be reserved for */
- /* dir names in all files list? */
- readme_ext='.README' /* Files with name ending with this string */
- /* are not displayed in filelistings, but */
- /* they are shown with VIEW,INFO and SHOW */
- subj='REQUEST' /* This needs to be the subject, otherwise */
- /* message isn't processed (case is ignored) */
- sdir='packed:Fileserver/' /* Root directory, must end with / or : */
- logon='Packed:Fileserver.logon' /* This message is copied to the beginning of*/
- /* a reply. For example inform about changes */
- allfiles='' /* This is used for ALLFILES command, if the */
- /* string is not empty and the file exists */
- helpfile='Packed:Fileserver.help' /* This file is reply to HELP command */
- seslog='packed:session.log' /* Stores all requests and their results */
- seslogto='' /* If this is not empty, session log will be */
- /* mailed there when the script ends */
- logfile='packed:fileserver.log' /* Session logs are stored here */
- log='yes' /* If something else than yes, no logging */
- autosend='yes' /* If yes, messages are sent by the script */
- delmsg='yes' /* Deletes messages after processing. If this*/
- /* is something else than yes, messages are */
- /* just marked as deleted */
- replsubj='Fileserver reply from knikulai@utu.fi'
- type='c:type' /* AmigaDOS command type */
- list='c:list' /* AmigaDOS command list */
- copy='c:copy'
- rename='c:rename' /* Yet another command */
- lha='c:lha' /* This is used to display .lha and .lzh files */
- unzip='c:unzip' /* .zip */
- unlzx='c:unlzx' /* .lzx */
- /*
- */
- if upper(opt1)='INDEX' & allfiles~='' then do
- call CreateListing(sdir,all)
- address command copy 't:list.output' allfiles
- call delete('t:list.output')
- exit
- end
- if pos(right(sdir,1),':/')=0 then sdir=sdir'/'
- /* Open seslog, if needed */
- log_it=0
- listed_already=0
- if upper(log)='YES' then log_it=open(4,seslog,'w')
- address 'YAM'
- 'Hide'
- 'SetFolder' folder
- 'GetMailInfo Active' /* Remember current message */
- active=result
- if rc>0 then active=0
- 'GetFolderInfo Max' /* How many messages are there? */
- n=result
- /* Check all messages in folder */
- do m=0 to n-1
- 'SetMail' m
- /* proces if correct header */
- 'GetMailInfo Subject'
- if upper(result)=upper(subj) then do
- 'GetMailInfo From'
- s=result
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- msgfile=result
- call Process(s,result)
- if upper(delmsg)='YES' then
- call delete(msgfile)
- else
- 'MailDelete'
- end
- end
- if upper(delmsg)='YES' then 'MailUpdate'
- if log_it then do
- call close(4) /* Close session log */
- address command type '>>'logfile seslog /* Copy the contents */
- end
- if seslogto~='' & log_it then do
- 'MailWrite'
- 'WriteMailTo "'seslogto'"'
- 'WriteSubject "Session log from fileserver"'
- 'WriteLetter' seslog
- 'WriteQueue'
- end
- address command 'delete >nil:' seslog
- if upper(autosend)='YES' then 'MailSendAll'
- if listed_already then call delete('t:full.list')
- 'SetMail' active
- 'Show'
- exit
- CopyFile:
- parse arg copyname
- if exists(copyname) then do
- call open(cp,copyname,'r')
- do while ~eof(cp)
- r=readln(cp)
- call writeln(2,r)
- end
- call close(cp)
- if log_it then call writeln(4,copyname 'copied to reply')
- end
- else
- if log_it then call writeln(4,'*** Failed to copy' copyname 'into reply ***')
- return
- Process:
- parse arg sender,file
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,left('0a'x sender '--' date() '--' time()' ',71,'-'))
- call open(1,file,'r')
- call open(2,'t:fileserver.reply','w')
- call CopyFile(logon)
- att=0
- dir=sdir
- help=0
- shrthlp=0
- 'MailWrite'
- 'WriteMailTo "'sender'"'
- 'WriteSubject "'replsubj'"'
- /* Skip message headers */
- do until r='' | eof(1)
- r=strip(readln(1))
- end
- /* process body: until empty or quit*/
- do until upper(r)='QUIT' | eof(1)
- r=translate(strip(readln(1)),'/','\')
- call writeln(2,'>' r)
- cmd=upper(word(r,1))
- ok=0
- if cmd='ALLFILES' | cmd='LISTALL' then do
- call send_allfiles
- ok=1
- end
- if cmd='QUIT' then ok=1
- if cmd='GET' | cmd='SEND' then do
- call send_file(word(r,2))
- ok=1
- end
- if cmd='CD' then do
- call change_dir(word(r,2))
- ok=1
- end
- if cmd='VIEW' | cmd='SHOW' | cmd='INFO' then do
- call view_file(word(r,2))
- ok=1
- end
- if cmd='INDEX' | cmd='LIST' | cmd='DIR' then do
- call send_index(word(r,2))
- ok=1
- end
- if cmd='HELP' then do
- call send_help
- ok=1
- end
- if ~ok & r~='' then do
- call writeln(2,'Unknown command!')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Unknown command' r '***')
- if ~shrthlp then do
- call writeln(2,'Try: ALLFILES, CD [path], DIR [path], GET <file>, HELP, INDEX [path],')
- call writeln(2,' INFO <file>, LIST [path], LISTALL, SEND <file>, SHOW <file>')
- call writeln(2,' or VIEW <file>')
- call writeln(2,'[path] is optional and <file> means a file in the current directory')
- shrthlp=1
- end
- end
- address 'YAM'
- end
- call close(1)
- call close(2)
- 'WriteLetter t:fileserver.reply'
- 'WriteQueue'
- return
- send_help:
- if help then do
- call writeln(2,'Once should be enough...')
- return
- end
- call CopyFile(helpfile)
- help=1
- return
- send_allfiles:
- if allfiles~='' & exists(allfiles) then do
- call CopyFile(allfiles)
- return
- end
- if ~listed_already then do
- call CreateListing(sdir,all)
- address command rename 't:list.output t:full.list'
- listed_already=1
- end
- call CopyFile('t:full.list')
- if log_it then call writeln(4,'List of all files sent')
- return
- send_index:
- parse arg path
- if left(path,1)~='/' then
- foo=dir || path
- else
- foo=sdir || substr(path,2)
- if exists(foo) then do
- call CreateListing(foo,'')
- call CopyFile('t:list.output')
- if log_it then call writeln(4,'Index of' foo 'sent')
- call delete('t:list.output')
- end
- else do
- call writeln(2,'Directory does not exist')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Tried list' foo '***')
- end
- return
- change_dir:
- parse arg newdir
- if newdir='' then do
- dir=sdir
- call writeln(2,'Directory changed back to root.')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'CD to root')
- return
- end
- if pos(right(newdir,1),'/:')=0 then newdir=newdir'/'
- if left(newdir,1)='/' then
- foo=sdir || substr(newdir,2)
- else
- foo=dir || newdir
- if exists(foo) then do
- inf=statef(foo)
- if word(inf,1)='DIR' then do
- dir=foo
- call writeln(2,'Ok')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'CD to' newdir 'ok')
- end
- else do
- call writeln(2,'It is not a directory!')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Tried to cd to a file' newdir '***')
- end
- end
- else do
- call writeln(2,'No such subdirectory!')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Tried to cd to a nonexistent' newdir '***')
- end
- return
- view_file:
- parse arg filename
- foo=dir || filename
- if exists(foo) then do
- inf=statef(foo)
- parse var inf ft byt blo flgs days min ticks comment
- call writeln(2,'Filetype:'ft ' Size:'byt 'bytes Last modified:'date('n',days,'i'))
- call writeln(2,strip(comment))
- if exists(foo || readme_ext) then call CopyFile(foo || readme_ext)
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'Displayed file info of' foo)
- ext=upper(right(filename,4))
- ar=0
- if ext='.LHA' | ext='.LZH' then do
- address command lha '>t:arc.list v' foo
- ar=1
- end
- if ext='.ZIP' then do
- address command unzip '>t:arc.list -v' foo
- ar=1
- end
- if ext='.LZX' then do
- address command unlzx '>t:arc.list v' foo
- ar=1
- end
- if ar=1 then do
- call CopyFile('t:arc.list')
- call delete('t:arc.list')
- if log_it then call writeln(4,'Displayed archive contents of' foo)
- end
- end
- else do
- call writeln(2,'No such file!')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Failed to display info of' foo '***')
- end
- return
- send_file:
- parse arg fn
- if exists(dir || fn) then do
- ft='application/octet-stream'
- p=lastpos('.',fn)
- if p>0 then do
- ext=upper(substr(fn,p+1))
- if ext='GIF' then ft='image/gif'
- if ext='JPG' then ft='image/jpeg'
- if ext='WAV' then ft='audio/basic'
- if ext='TXT' then ft='text/plain'
- if ext='REXX' then ft='text/plain'
- if ext='MPG' then ft='video/mpeg'
- end
- 'WriteAttach' dir || fn '"" MIME' ft
- att=att+1
- call writeln(2,att'. file included as an attachment.')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'File' dir||fn 'sent')
- end /* if exists(dir ll fn) then */
- else do
- call writeln(2,'File not found!')
- if log_it then
- call writeln(4,'*** Could not send non-existent' dir || fn '***')
- end
- return
- CreateListing:
- parse arg lstdir,opt
- if pos(right(lstdir,1),'/:')=0 then lstdir=lstdir'/'
- if opt='' then
- address command list '>t:lst.tmp1 lformat="%P%S %B %C"' lstdir
- else
- address command list '>t:lst.tmp1 lformat="%P%S %B %C" all files' lstdir
- call open(in,'t:lst.tmp1','r')
- call open(out,'t:lst.tmp2','w')
- longest=0
- do while ~eof(in)
- r=readln(in)
- if length(r)>length(rootdit) then r=substr(r,length(lstdir)+1)
- parse var r name .
- po=lastpos('/',name)
- if longest<length(name)-po then longest=length(name)-po
- if upper(right(name,7))~=upper(readme_ext) then call writeln(out,r)
- end
- call close(in)
- call delete('t:lst.tmp1')
- call close(out)
- call open(in,'t:lst.tmp2','r')
- call open(out,'t:list.output','w')
- do while ~eof(in)
- r=readln(in)
- if r~='' then do
- parse var r name size comment
- comment=strip(comment)
- if size='empty' then size=0
- if comment='' then comment='(no description available)'
- if datatype(size)='NUM' then do
- if size<2000 then
- size=trunc(size/2+0.5)'K'
- else
- size=trunc(size/2048+0.05)'M'
- end
- sc=length(name)-length(compress(name,'/'))
- le=longest+sc*dirle/* Dir names should be at most dirle letters */
- line=left(name,le) right(size,4) comment
- if length(line)>maxline then do
- po=lastpos(' ',line,maxline)
- rest=left('',le+6) || substr(line,po+1)
- line=left(line,po-1)
- do while strip(rest)~=''
- po=lastpos(' ',rest,maxline)
- if po<=le+6 then po=maxline
- if length(rest)>maxline then do
- line=line || '0a'x || left(rest,po-1)
- rest=left('',le+6) || substr(rest,po+1)
- end
- else do
- line=line || '0a'x || rest
- rest=''
- end
- end
- end
- call writeln(out,line)
- end
- end
- call close(in)
- call delete('t:lst.tmp2')
- call close(out)
- return